Innovations in the treatment of Roza's rash
Rosacea is a broad group of diseases that can start with facial redness and lead to acne and skin thickening in subsequent years. It is a skin disease that requires examination and treatment by a dermatologist. Due to the sensitive nature of the skin, it is important to avoid incorrect treatments. Among the causes, sun damage plays a very significant role. A parasite known as Demodex can settle in the pores of the individual and exacerbate the rosacea condition.
When selecting treatment for rosacea, the individual's skin type and the severity of the disease are important for us dermatologists. For the earliest stage, which is characterized by visible capillaries, the most effective treatments are BBL and DyeVL laser light systems. As home treatment, using sunscreen and serums containing azelaic acid and hyaluronic acid will be beneficial. Treatment at this stage tends to be easier and can yield better responses.
In the second stage, the formation of acne has begun to accompany the condition. Redness has increased, and the appearance of capillaries has become more pronounced. In this case, topical antibiotic creams and laser treatments may be necessary. In some cases, our patients may benefit from systemic antibiotic treatment.
In the third stage, untreated rosacea patients may present at an older age. At this stage, particularly, a thickening of the skin on the nose, known as rhinophyma, may develop. Of course, among the treatment options, laser treatments are available, but in necessary cases, surgical treatment for rhinophyma may be applied.
In summary, rosacea, or the "red face" or "rose disease," is a skin condition that can develop in individuals with sensitive skin due to advanced sun damage and the Demodex parasite. Our goal should be to control the disease in the early stages before it progresses. Your treatment for rosacea will be selected by your dermatologist based on the stage of the disease. My recommendation to my patients is to continue your home treatments even after your laser sessions are completed, protect yourself from the sun, and visit our clinic in case of recurring conditions.