• Demircikara Mh 1419 Sk Ocean City C Blok K:3 D:6 ANTALYA
  • +90 554 790 78 97
  • [email protected]
  • Mon-Fri: 08:00 - 20:00
    Saturday: 08:00 - 18:00
Demircikara Mh 1419 Sk Ocean City C Blok K:3 D:6 ANTALYA

What is Youth Vaccine?

Youth boosters actually refer to a term that encompasses all the treatments we use for mesotherapy, which targets the middle layer of the skin. It is a name that is very well-liked in society. Because it is applied under the skin like a vaccine, it provides youthfulness to our skin.

The generic names can certainly vary greatly, but for us, the content is much more important. Another important criterion is that we should choose products that are FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved and have CE certifications with proper licenses.

In our clinic, we select the contents based on the needs of the individual's skin. We have a youth booster treatment protocol that we refer to as the Nefertiti protocol. Our session intervals are set to once every 15 days for a total of 4 sessions. The common ingredients we use include hyaluronic acid, mannitol, glutathione, retinoic acid, salmon DNA, and vitamin C, along with additional ingredients we can add based on the individual's needs, such as arbutin, niacinamide, pyruvic acid, kojic acid, and tranexamic acid for pigmentation mesotherapy. Our goal is to eliminate redness and pigmentation from the skin while ensuring it becomes hydrated and regains its brightness.

If the primary concern is tightening, we focus on collagen boosters. We use linerase collagen, which contains pure type 1 collagen in our clinic, and we enter a healing period where the effects can be seen starting from the first session. Depending on our needs, the effects can continue for one year after a series of 4 consecutive sessions. Of course, combination therapies are always recommended.
In all treatments we perform on the skin, the main goal is to increase collagen and hydrate the skin.

Every treatment you undergo in this direction will always help to elevate your skin to a better state. As I always tell my patients, even if you have one session of mesotherapy, you will always have better skin quality compared to when you did not have any procedures done.